Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Far From What I Once Was.

   Well, I can not believe nor want to accept that I am going to be 26 years old one week from today! Kind of crazy I think. But the one thing that makes getting older much more bearable is that I honestly feel better than I ever have. I consistently catch myself trying to refrain from posting about my workouts on Facebook and Twitter because I know that it gets old and people might think that it is an "attention ploy." But then again, I love working out, I love running and I love when my friends post positive updates! With all of the negativity swarming this election, a friends' workout summary is quite refreshing!

   I met a woman at the gym today that not only inspired me to work harder toward my fitness goals but reminded me that progress comes in a variety of different ways. You may not always see the number on the scale change every week or your pant size drop overnight but it is the ease in your run that wasn't always there and the extra push you give yourself that proves to you that all of the work is paying off. Knowing myself how hard it is to work at it every day, it was astonishing to meet someone today that lost 125lbs in less than a year.
    I never really realized until I got serious about my health that being healthy wasn't just something you did Monday-Thursday. Being healthy for me was going to mean giving up my french fries and tiramisu, Cheescake Factory and Outback, pancakes and waffles. (And not just for a month either) Does it suck? Well, it definitely did at first! Lindsey give up french fries? That is a cardinal sin. No, but really....It feels great to be able to go to Chick-Fil-A and order grilled nuggets and a fruit cup. That was never me but I am happy to report that this is the improved me.

   (Yep, this is very true. Of course you will eat that Hershey bar you bought from the store, just don't bring it home)

   I completed my very first "all running" 5k on 9/22/12 in 28:47 minutes. It felt amazing! Being able to participate in an event that will change the lives of others' was definitely a feeling that I want to feel many, many more times before my life is complete. I can not wait to improve my time and be able to work toward a longer race. I never thought I would say this but....I love to run!

 These past couple months have truly brought me so much closer to my fitness goals and once again I owe it all to inspiration. A lot of people keep me inspired and while I know that the motivation and inspiration truly has to come from within, we all need those people in our lives who keep us on track and moving forward.

   Here are some more things that helped keep me motivated: