Monday, July 30, 2012

In It For The Loooong Run!

      This week has been one extremely emotional week for me and there have been a thousand things I felt like giving up on, running being at the top of my list! But honestly, running is the one thing that has been keeping me grounded and I just won't give up on it.

      A week ago Jeremy and I were talking and I was telling him how excited I was that I got my mile to 10 minutes. I jokingly said, "wow I could do 6 miles in 60 minutes." Although I never expected it anytime soon, I did honestly hope that I could work up to it. His response kind of shocked me, Not gonna lie. He kind of chuckled and said, "yea riiiight." Jeremy has been one of my biggest cheerleaders so I knew that I had to prove him wrong. Monday I stepped on the treadmill and ran a steady 5 in 50. Although, I knew I only needed to do 10 more minutes I psyched myself out and gave up. I was def excited about my accomplishment though and texted him the pic. His response, "Told you, you couldn't do it. Nice try though!" 

     Holy madness! I was "raging" as my little brother calls it. Well, for every day following I stepped on that darn treadmill and failed. Tuesday I only made it 3.5, Wednesday 4, Thursday zero (Jason Aldean Concert), Friday 4, Saturday 4, and Sunday a whopping 2! Every failure honestly was more and more discouraging. It angered me that I could get so close and let myself fail.

 Well, guess what I did today?!?!

     I finally did it! Sometimes it really takes someone telling you that you can't do something for you to get out there and do it. I can't even explain how good it feels. Beyond amazing, that's for sure. 

     I have thought a lot about motivation this week, what motivates people? Emotions motivate me. I can run the best when I have a lot on my mind but more-so because I think about all of it and forget that I am running. My really good friend Jess is a huge inspiration to me too. She has lost over 40lbs in less than 4 months and looks amazing! She rocks and seeing her accomplishments truly helps me work harder to achieve mine. I think about her a lot when I run. Man, if you had seen us on a lunch break about a year ago you would never believe it was the two of us. (Now she has me turning down 5 layer Chocolate Cake.) Sometimes it really helps to surround yourself with people who are working toward the same goals. She has definitely gotten me back on track.

     So, no more rambling but I do just want to leave you with all the stuff that motivated me this week! :)

Yea, so as you can see...It took a lot to keep me motivated!

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