Sunday, July 8, 2012

Run, Run, Run...

One day during the summer of 2011, I was driving in the car with my parents and two brothers Anthony & Alex. We were all coming back from dinner and Anthony made a proposal to all of us that we start a weight loss competition. I don't exactly remember how the proposal came about or the exact details of what he proposed but I vividly remember my response. "Absolutely not, I am not at a point in my life where I can handle that right now." 

That day changed my life.

I still feel like I am forever indebted to Anthony for his challenge. He not only made me, what seemed at the time to be a ridiculous proposal, but he immediately discredited my response. He told me there was not a better time to do this than now. And knowing how competitively natured I am, he even used reverse psychology and told me that there was no way I could win. Well, count me in! 

June 6th, 2011 we started the competition. August 26th, 2011 we finished the competition. Between the five of us that competed, we lost 120lbs. I didn't win the competition but I came in second behind Jeremy with a grand total of 35lbs in 3 months. 

But, I didn't just lose 35lbs. I discovered a new passion and love for running. If at any given point in my life, you ever asked me if I liked running, I would have most definitely laughed. I ran when I was a cheerleader but ONLY because it was required, I hated every second of it. 

Honestly, this was me! And I smile every time I see this because it really hits home. I can't imagine my life without running now. I still get really tired and I have days that it is the last thing I want to do but when I put on my running shoes and get passed my 2 minute warm up, it is game on! When I run, I know that I am running for me. It is the one thing I do religiously that I am not competing with anyone but myself on. If I quit, I am only quitting on myself. If I double the distance I originally planned to do, I am only doing it to show off to myself. 

Anthony saw something that I was just to stubborn to see. He saw his little sister giving up on herself. Today, I am not anywhere near the physical condition I hope to be at, but I can tell you that I finally feel like ME again! 

"I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday!"

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